Welcome to the main specialized education abroad Fair in the Baltic region “Days of International Education”, October 10-14
If you are looking for the best ways for successful student recruitment, our fair "Days of International Education" will offer you the best opportunities and provide prompt results.
The Fair is a well-known event in the Baltic region. It is attended by more than 15 000 unique visitors looking for appropriate educational institution and study programme – undergraduate and postgraduate courses, diploma programmes, language courses, secondary school programmes, university Foundation programmes, vacation courses and other study opportunitites.
An impressive budget of several dozens thousand euro is spent on the Fair promotion campaign to attract the target audiences. This approach differs Baltic Council fairs from other specialized events.
The promotion of our Fair includes advertising in the leading mass media: radio, business periodicals, VIP magazines, leading news portals and internet resourses, social networks. All local schools are informed about the event as well.
The success of the Fair is also based on the high reputation of the Baltic Council in the international education industry as well as among the population of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
The Fair “Days of International Education” is held in cooperation with 4 leading education consultancy agencies of the Baltic states: Baltic Council Latvia, Baltic Council Lithuania, Baltic Council Estonia and Meridian Group.
The detailed information about the forthcoming Fair is available here: http://www.balticcouncil.org/en/for-educators/fairs-educators/days-of-international-education and you can book your participation here: http://www.balticcouncil.org/en/for-educators/register-now
We look forward to welcoming you at the Fair!
Evgeni Govor
Baltic Council
Days of International Education
October 10 in Kaunas, Lithuania
October 11 in Vilnius, Lithuania
October 13 in Riga, Latvia
October 14 in Tallinn, Estonia

If you are looking for the best ways for successful student recruitment, our fair "Days of International Education" will offer you the best opportunities and provide prompt results.
The Fair is a well-known event in the Baltic region. It is attended by more than 15 000 unique visitors looking for appropriate educational institution and study programme – undergraduate and postgraduate courses, diploma programmes, language courses, secondary school programmes, university Foundation programmes, vacation courses and other study opportunitites.
An impressive budget of several dozens thousand euro is spent on the Fair promotion campaign to attract the target audiences. This approach differs Baltic Council fairs from other specialized events.
The promotion of our Fair includes advertising in the leading mass media: radio, business periodicals, VIP magazines, leading news portals and internet resourses, social networks. All local schools are informed about the event as well.
The success of the Fair is also based on the high reputation of the Baltic Council in the international education industry as well as among the population of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
The Fair “Days of International Education” is held in cooperation with 4 leading education consultancy agencies of the Baltic states: Baltic Council Latvia, Baltic Council Lithuania, Baltic Council Estonia and Meridian Group.
The detailed information about the forthcoming Fair is available here: http://www.balticcouncil.org/en/for-educators/fairs-educators/days-of-international-education and you can book your participation here: http://www.balticcouncil.org/en/for-educators/register-now
We look forward to welcoming you at the Fair!
Evgeni Govor
Baltic Council
Days of International Education
October 10 in Kaunas, Lithuania
October 11 in Vilnius, Lithuania
October 13 in Riga, Latvia
October 14 in Tallinn, Estonia