BALTIC COUNCIL - Registration



1. All available IELTS and CD IELTS test dates you can find in the online registration system and you need to register for the  IELTS online.

2. You will need to upload your ID document online in the registration system as you register for the test. (It should be a clear and legible copy of your passport or National Identity Card. The document must be valid, not expired at registration or on the test day).
 The scanned document must be smaller than 1600 by 1600 pixels and the file size should be 1.5 MB or less.
Only JPEG, GIF or PNG files are supported at present.
If you use your National ID then make sure both sides are on one page -preferably one side under the other.
3. A proof of payment (bank payment confirmation or the payment confirmation of your e-banking transfer in the pdf fromat, screenshots are not accepted) should be sent in email to Obligatory information in the payment description: your surname and the IELTS test date without this description we will not be able to process your application.
4. Transfer the required fee of   245.00 EUR according to the instructions given in the registration system immediately after registering for the test.
5. You will receive confirmation email after receipt of your fully completed documents and payment.

Please transfer the test fee  245.00 EUR  to the following account:
Account holder: Baltic Council for International Education
Registration No: 40008085919
Account:            LV20HABA0551019935194
Bank:                 SWEDBANK HABA LV 22
Description:       IELTS + surname + exam date
 Baltic Council for International Education
33/35 Gertrudes street, 4th floor, office.404, Riga LV-1011 Latvia.
t.: +371 67317630, 67317627
M - F 9:00 – 17:00
